Monday, May 7, 2012

Thank You, John Cena

If someone had told me 5 years ago, I would become a John Cena fan I probably would've told them to fuck off...

If someone had told me 2 years ago, I would buy a John Cena shirt in the future I would've done the same...

Now I can proudly say,  I AM A JOHN CENA FAN.

I used to loathe this man. I was the typical Anti-Cena fan who chanted "You can't wrestle", "Cena sucks" and "same old shit" while he was in the ring. Around late 2010 this changed. During the whole "Cena/Nexus" angle he cut an unbelievable promo on how he was "leaving the business" and my opinion of him started to change. I think a combination of me growing up, mellowing out and learning more about wrestling allowed me to finally respect him.

Instead of putting in effort to hate him, I started to really watch his work and I can say that over the next year and a half I realized the guy is one of the best to ever do it. I thought he did an excellent job feuding with CM Punk, The Miz, Alberto Del Rio and even The Rock. Even though The Rock beat John at Mania, it still was a pretty damn good match and the buildup for the match was amazing and all the credit goes to John Cena. There are not many guys in the business that can take a guy who hasn't been in the business in 8 years and make him look like gold.

 Last Sunday I attended Extreme Rules and I had a great time. Randy Orton and Kane put on a really good falls count anywhere match. Most of the crowd hated it because most of the action didn't take place in the ring but as a lifelong WWE fan, I know how Falls Count Anywhere matches go and I really enjoyed the match even though the feud was lackluster.
Can People Put Their Phones Away?

 I saw Cody Rhodes regain the Intercontinental Championship which was pretty awesome since I love the guy. By the way Cody Rhodes has the best gear and it looks even better in person. I really hope he becomes a main eventer soon.

I Love A Good Looking Guy In Great Trunks..

Like most of the fans in the crowd I could really care less about the Santino-Miz match and the Layla-Nikki Bella matches, although seeing The Miz cut a promo about not being utilized enough was cool. I was really hoping to see Kharma or Beth take the Divas title but unfortunately that didn't happen.

I was so excited when Dolph Ziggler was announced as Brodus Clay's opponent although I knew Ziggler would be getting the loss against The Funkasaurus but I was happy too see my favorite wrestler perform and make a guy like Brodus Clay look amazing. You know a someone is good at what they does when they make Brodus Clay look like a good worker. Ziggler's amazing hair looks even more awesome in person. Seeing Ryback crush two local jobbers was really cool also. The jobbers were great on the mic and the "2 is better then 1" line that they kept saying was epic. It was really pissing off the crowd. I was probably the only person in my section chanting it and rooting for the jobbers since I am a sucker for all jobbers. I am not really sure about Ryback as of right now but being apart of the hilarious "Goldberg" chants was cool. He does have some similarities with Bill Goldberg but I doubt he even comes close to Goldberg's popularity.


Sheamus and Daniel Bryan put on the match of the night. I was thrilled that they were actually given over 20 minutes to showcase their skills. It was a lot better then the 18 seconds they got at Mania. Some idiot behind me pissed me off by saying "This is boring". I responded with a "This is wrestling." It pains me to see people who don't think holds and submission moves are a part of wrestling. All the "Yes" chants were amazing especially after Bryan submitted Sheamus during the 2/3 falls match. Bryan just kept chanting Yes along with the fans even though he is a heel. I LOVE THAT! Even though he lost I still cheered for Sheamus because he is also one of my favorites. I could tell people thought I was a moron when I was rooting for both guys.
 CM Punk and Chris Jericho also put on an excellent match again. They had the match of the night at Mania and they put on a hell of a show at Extreme Rules. This time it was a "Chicago Street Fight". There was a couple of great spots with Jericho taunting Punk's sister in the first row which resulting in her slapping him and Punk's elbow off the top row to Jericho on the Spanish announce table. That poor Spanish announce table. So much abuse it has taken over the years. CM Punk picked up the W in front his hometown and his family. It was a really cool moment to witness.

Side Notes: When the spanish announce team came out before the event, people in the crowd chanted "Si, Si, Si, Si..." It was awesome.

CM Punk's elbow drop off the top rope. Holy Shit! I had a great seat I was about 10 rows behind the guy with the "oh my goodness" sign below...

Speaking of CM Punk's relationships with announce tables, here is a classic moment back when CM Punk did commentary when out with a injury during the whole Cena/Nexus thing. Punk even makes a reference of the glorious spanish announce tables. I wonder if Punk still has a grudge with Cena over the "Spill seen around the world." What a terrible tragedy. Man, I love wrestling.

On to the main event, Cena vs. Lesnar. Amazing match, great storytelling. They really beat the hell out of each other. One of the greatest things I have got the opportunity to see live, in person. Lesnar dominated most of the match but eventually Cena "overcame the odds" and pulled out the victory with an Attitude Adjustment on the staircase. When Cena pinned Lesnar for the 1,2,3 I jumped up and down with joy. It was the most excited I've ever been at a wrestling event. I wasn't the only one. I never seen a crowd so into a match. In the crazy world of wrestling, this match MEANT something. Even the little Filipino lady who sat next to me was almost in tears every time Cena was getting brutalized or bloodied up by Brock. He then cut an emotional promo thanking the crowd and saying he may "take some time off." Cena is really a classy guy and I will cherish this match and the post-match promo for the rest of my life.

Side note : Like the sucker I am, I even bought my first Cena shirt at the merch stand afterwards along with a Dolph Ziggler shirt and the Bret Hart/HBK dvd..

He's proud to say he beat Brock Lesnar in Chicago and I am proud to say................

I saw the Bret Hart/Owen Hart cage match at Summerslam 94
I saw Jeff Jarrett win his first WCW World Heavyweight Title at Spring Stampede 2000
I saw Randy Orton get the WWE title twice in one night at No Mercy 2007

but above them all...I am now proud to say I saw John Cena beat Brock Lesnar at Extreme Rules...

Thank You John Cena...