Saturday, April 28, 2012

Extreme Rules Predictions

Extreme Rules Predictions

This is first blog so cut me some slack. I am life long wrestling fan from the dump that is Chicago, I will be the first man to defeat Ryback and get out this podunk city......(If you watch Smackdown you''ll get my gist)

Basically i am just a guy who loves wrestling, more specifically the WWE and I thought it would be cool to share my wrestling views with the world or more likely....the two white trash guys who will end up reading this. By the way I am including myself in that group.

Let me start off by saying I will be in attendance at Extreme Rules. Although the card is a little lackluster overall, I am really looking forward to the event, especially for Brock-Cena, Jericho-Punk and Sheamus-Bryan.

So here goes....

The Miz vs. Santino (US Title)

This match will air before the pay-per-view itself online. This match really doesn't interest me at all and really is nothing but a glorified dark match. What a difference a year makes, this time last year The Miz was defending his WWE Championship in the main event at this pay per view. Now his match isn't even on television. It really is a shame because I really like the guy and think hes great. That being said I see Santino picking up the victory and continuing to be the comedy act that he is and within the next couple months I think he will drop the US Title to David Otunga who has been solid as of late. As for The Miz, I hope he ends up on Smackdown soon with a fresh start.

Winner - Santino

Nikki Bella vs. Beth Phoenix (Divas Title)

Another weird set of circumstances surrounding this match. Nikki Bella won the Divas Title from Beth on Raw this past Monday after Beth was "injured" during the match. This is a really hard match to predict because as any fan who reads the dirtsheets would know, there are strong rumors that the Bellas are leaving the company soon. So I am not sure if this is just a short "Thank You" reign or there is something more to this. This being said I think Beth Phoenix will sell the injury throughout the match but will re-gain the Divas Title. However, I see Kharma attacking Beth after the match and laying her out. I see Beth actually being out a few months. Kharma will then dominate the Divas division throughout the summer and win the Divas Title and at Summerslam it will be Beth vs. Kharma for the Divas title.

Winner - Beth Phoenix

 Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show (Intercontinental Title)

 Let me start off by saying I really, really, really like Cody Rhodes. I think he has it all. Hes got a great look, great gear, great mic skills and hes an outstanding worker. However, this feud with Big Show has gotten really stale. Before Mania the feud was surprisingly good mostly thanks to the work of Cody Rhodes, but now its going way past its expiration date. I wasn't even mad when Show beat over on Rhodes at Mania because I thought that Cody could move on to the main event and Show can get his "Mania moment" and stick around in the midcard but that, of course, didn't happen. They are still feuding and I can see them feuding longer because its looking like Smackdown's two biggest babyfaces already have feuds set for after Extreme Rules with Randy Orton feuding with Jinder Mahal and Sheamus continuing with Daniel Bryan. I am not sure what the plans are in the future for these two men now. No matter the stipulation for the match, Big Show will likely retain the title. Its just really sad that the Championship used to be a stepping stone for the main event players but now its on an old, overweight guy who is way past his prime.

Winner - Big Show


Randy Orton vs. Kane (Falls Count Anywhere)

Feud of the Year.....with the word Worst in front of it. Both these men are great wrestlers and very talented but this feud has been unbearable. It never really got off to solid start. It seems like the foundation for this feud was just slapped together so they could put both of them on the Mania card. For example, Kane mentioning the match he had with Randy Orton last July where he lost his "evilness" was cool but there was only one problem. If the demonic Kane was really upset at Randy Orton for this, why did he go after John Cena when he returned. The only thing that came good out of this feud was Kane winning at Mania which established that Kane can actually win sometimes. I see this being a match that goes through the crowd and maybe backstage but in the end, Kane will pull off the victory after interference from Jinder Mahal which moves Orton on to feuding with Mahal and Kane with a little more credibility for his next opponent.

Winner - Kane

Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan (World Heavyweight Championship) (2/3 Falls Match)

This should be the match of the night. I was appalled at Mania when Bryan got squashed in 18 seconds but I might've been wrong. Daniel Bryan has been great this month especially with his ex-girlfriend AJ. Sheamus has been awesome this month and is really starting to become one of the best workers around. They couldve made their feud more intense but sometimes everything can't be perfect. I see Sheamus getting the first fall off the Brogue Kick right away again, which then leads to Bryan fighting back and scoring a pin of his own. Then I see AJ coming out and helping Bryan win the match somehow. Bryan gets the title back. AJ gets her boyfriend back. I then see maybe the next two months being a three way feud between Daniel Bryan, Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio which possibly could lead to a Del Rio babyface turn in the near future.

Winner - Daniel Bryan

CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho (WWE Championship) (Chicago Street Fight)

These two have been AWESOME! They have been having a great feud. Almost everything has been perfect. Having this match in Chicago will be awesome because the crowd will definitely be on Punk's side. I can see Punk's family who Jericho has been berating lately and possibly CM Punk's best friend Colt Cabana at ringside and getting involved somehow. On a side note CM Punk's DVD that they've been filming needs a happy ending so I see CM Punk getting the win in front of his family, friends and his hometown crowd. By the way I can't wait for that DVD to come out. The Randy Orton one was excellent and I felt I got to know a lot more about him then I knew before I watched it.

Winner - CM Punk

John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar (Extreme Rules Match)

Even though the contract signing on Raw was a little weak these guys have been great since the first Raw of the new wrestling year. Brock's return and confrontations with Cena have been epic. The three minute promo that Brock did was one of the best I have ever seen. Cena has been great showing that he may be devastated after losing to The Rock at Mania and showcasing the uncertainty of how it has affected him. I see Brock Lesnar winning the match against John Cena cleanly leaving more uncertainty revolving around Cena's state of mind and Brock's "Legitimacy" taking over.

Winner - Brock Lesnar

I am not done yet. I wanted to share what I think is going to happen with these two men. I see John Cena becoming a "depressed little loser" and having to start all over again. I see Brock continuing to dominate throughout the summer. I think Brock Lesnar will feud with Orton in a little in a few months and then winning the WWE title from CM Punk in the fall. I see Cena possibly taking another big loss against Lord Tensai again and then teaming up with Zack Ryder and starting a whole "Will Cena get better again?" storyline. They might win the tag titles or something like that and then Cena will get mentally tough and find his "love" for wrestling again and will be the opponent for the WWE Champion Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble, only this time Cena wins.....and goes on to face the winner of the Royal Rumble, The Rock, at Wrestlemania 29. This way Brock can face The Undertaker and lose cause he only has a one year deal as of right now and maybe a return to the UFC will be in the works and the streak will continue and Cena can finally beat The Rock and redeem himself for good.

If you've read this, Thank You...I hope to maybe have blogs up on regular basis in the future.


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