Saturday, June 16, 2012

Picking Up the Slack...

The top dirtsheets stories in the past month have no doubt been the 30 day suspension of Chris Jericho and the 60 day suspension of Randy Orton. Both were for completely opposite actions. On May 24th, at a house show (live event which is not taped for tv) in Brazil, before a match with CM Punk, Chris Jericho held a Brazilian flag, crumpled it up and kicked it. In Brazil, this is a crime. During the match the authorities went backstage and demanded that Jericho apologize or he would be arrested when he returned backstage after the match. A WWE official went out to the ring and alerted Jericho and the referee about what had happened and Jericho was forced to apologize in the middle of a match. A few days later, WWE suspended Jericho for 30 days. Some of the dirtsheets  writers have proclaimed several reasons for the suspension from the WWE did this is because they didn’t want to lose any tv deals in Brazil to WWE Chairman Vince McMahon’s wife Linda running for Senate in Connecticut.
                 I don’t believe Chris Jericho did anything wrong. On his days off, I don’t think he spends time catching up on the laws and ordinances of Brazil. He was just trying to get heat (fan hatred) because that is his job as a heel. I understand WWE had to make him apologize but the suspension was harsh. Chris Jericho is one of the greatest wrestlers to set foot in their ring. Even at the age of 41, he is still one of the best in the ring and on the mic. WWE needs him more then he needs the WWE. Chris takes breaks from wrestling from time to time. After 9 years in the business, he signed on with the WWE in 1999 after stints with ECW and WCW. He had successful 6 year run in the WWE which included a WWE Title reign and even a victory over The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin in a 3 way match. In 2005 he chose not to re-up with the WWE and focus on other things like his bands, acting, hosting and etc. Two years later he came back and had one of the most successful runs as a heel I have ever seen and in 2010 he took another leave from the business. This past January he returned again and has been continuing to show he is one the best in the world. The WWE needs him more then he needs the WWE. I hope this doesn’t push him into not signing on when his deal expire this time. Not only did the WWE punish Y2J, but they punished the fans by not letting Jericho do his job of entertaining us.
                As for Randy Orton, there is a very different set of circumstances with him. A few weeks ago WWE announced that they suspended him for testing positive for a banned substance which is rumored to be dianabol. This was his second violation of the policy. Randy Orton is one of the top guys in the company. Before this suspension, the general consensus backstage was that he was the second largest money draw behind John Cena. I disagree because I believe CM Punk and John Cena are the biggest draws and they are neck in neck for the top spot. My opinion aside, he hurt the company and the fans by testing positive once again. He hurt his peers and the business because now he can’t have a summer feud with anyone and Smackdown was without a top guy for their house shows the past few weeks and were headlined by Sheamus. Sheamus is a hell of a wrestler but he is not a brand carrier. Smackdown house shows already have taken a decline in attendance with Randy Orton as the top guy and they had to bring CM Punk over from the Raw to even things out and to house shows to pick up the slack in the summer. There are even reports that Randy Orton doesn’t really care about his punishment and this infuriates Vince McMahon and the WWE brass so much that some in the company are calling for him to be fired. I love Randy and I don’t want to see him gone but I do agree with what some are saying. You can’t do a big angle with him because if he tests positive one more time and gets three strikes, they automatically have to fire him because that it was the policy they implemented states. I am just really disappointed because Randy Orton is one of my favorites of all-time. I was really looking forward to seeing him feud with Ziggler and Sheamus. This could’ve been a summer of epic matches and feuds but he ruined it.
                CM Punk’s workload has went up because of Randy but I am sure he is being paid quite handsomely so he is not likely to complain about this. A lot of wrestlers have reportedly been upset with the work schedule lately. In WWE, there are two different traveling groups, Raw and Smackdown. A typical Raw schedule used to go like this. House show on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and a live Raw on Monday. Smackdown was quite similar with house shows on Saturday and Sunday, Raw on Monday and a Smackdown taping on Tuesday. Now with a lot more schedules changing, wrestlers sometime appear both on Raw and Smackdown for TV. So that means some of the wrestlers are working 4-5 days a week combined with driving from city to city this makes for a tired roster and when international tours a occur they are really beat because they wrestle for 10-11 days straight. I hope this doesn’t lead to more wrestlers quitting or taking breaks but however the wrestling business is a tough one and only having one or two days off is the norm throughout the history of the company. The wrestlers know what they were getting into so they should expect it. There are legit wrestlers on the indys who work for a couple hundred bucks every weekend when you factor in all the rental car, gas and hotel money. They should consider themselves lucky that in most cases they are making good money and doing what they love to do.

I have decided to not write about the new NXT in this blog post but within the next couple of weeks I plan on writing a blog exclusively about NXT with a review of the new show’s first episode.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Funny Wrestling Moments

I will have the blog about the Chris Jericho and Randy Orton suspensions on Saturday. I will also look into the new new NXT. For today, I have decided to take it a little light and put some of my favorite funny wrestling videos up for the 5 people who read my blog to see.....

Chris Jericho vs. A Very Stupid Old Man

Your Mama Sucks

I'm from Winnipeg you idiot
You're a Stupid Man!

You're a Stupid Man Pt. 2

Just Read It!

CM Punk says You're a Whore!

CM Punk is Not Holding a Mircophone

I Gotta Dumb Myself Down

Chuck Taylor Scares Kids Pt.1

Chuck Taylor Scares Kids Pt.2

Chuck Taylor Scares Kids Pt.3

Chuck Taylor is my Hero

CM Punk Pays Tribute to His Boss

Michael Cole Returns to NXT

Anal Bleeding

Michael Cole Marks Out for The Miz

If you made it to the end, you are one step closer to being a loser, just like me...

Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer Slump.....

         It has been over a month since I wrote a blog and in the past month WWE has been pretty terrible in that time. The stagnant product has been unwatchable and the lack of a legit feud and slapped together storylines has been very detrimental to the WWE. The ratings are down, and many people argue that baseball and playoff basketball are the reasons why but I disagree. I am a believer that if you give the people a good reason to tune in, they will. The rating for the Memorial Day Monday Night Raw did a 2.7 rating, the lowest since September of last year. In case you didn’t catch it, this means Raw had better ratings when they were going against Monday Night Football in October –December then what they have currently.

        In my opinion the storylines are the major reason for all of this. Usually at this time of the wrestling year there are three major feuds, the personal feud (usually revolves around John Cena) storyline and the two world title storylines. The personal feud right now is John Cena taking on the Big Show at the next pay-per view No Way Out. The feud started when the then “fired” Big Show cost Cena his match against the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and General Manager of both Raw and Smackdown John Laurinaitis (I love saying his whole job title just like he does) at the previous pay per view Over The Limit. If Cena would’ve won Big Johnny would’ve been terminated from his position as General Manager to the delight of fans everywhere since he is the heel authority figure. This all sounds good on paper but there are a few problems with this. Big Show is well past his prime and in most people eyes including my own, he is not a main eventer anymore. His constant heel and face turns over the last few years have really hurt his character. He isn’t very good in the ring either but that’s to be expected when someone is 40 years old, over 7 feet tall and weighs 450 lbs. Also we have seen Cena feud with the Big Show a few times already. Why again?

The original plan was for Tensai to feud with Cena at the moment the brass threw Big Show in his place because according to the dirtsheets (wrestling news sites) the brass are very disappointed with the way Tensai’s lack of getting over with the fans. I have a problem with this. I know he is not getting much of a reaction from the fans but I don’t understand how they can tell all of this in the 2 months since he debuted. You have to give a guy some time and a chance to succeed. It doesn’t look like Tensai will get his chance soon since John Cena beat him in less than ten minutes last Monday. As angry as it makes me, I think very soon, Tensai will either be legitimately “future endeavored” or be forced to go back to old gimmick from the attitude era as A-Train (a hairy comedy wrestler) which will have to be demoralizing for a guy who left a good wrestling career in Japan to come back to the WWE.

CM Punk is currently feuding with Daniel Bryan and Kane. A Triple Threat Match for the WWE Title is scheduled for No Way Out. Daniel Bryan’s Ex-Girlfriend AJ is also playing a small part in this by hanging out at ringside with CM Punk gear on. I actually like this feud because I love all three of these guys. It can’t get much better with Punk as the babyface, Kane as the tweener (someone who is not babyface or heel) and Bryan as the heel. This is probably the only interesting thing going on in WWE at the moment even though AJ will probably help someone at No Way Out. There are so many directions in which this can go. AJ can help Bryan out and possibly rekindle her relationship with him or she can cost him the match as payback and Punk regains the title or she can even help Kane and start a weird demonic couple storyline with him. However, even though I like this little feud I am not sure everyone approves. In real life, Punk and Bryan are friends. They both were on the independent circuit, building a name for themselves. They both were Ring of Honor World Champion. (ROH has been the premier indy wrestling company for almost 10 years). They both got WWE deals and in 2011, they both won a championship title. (Punk won the WWE title in July and Bryan won the World Heavyweight Title in December). Hell, now they are both vegans too. With that being said in most people’s eyes, this isn’t a feud you build for a pay per views like Over The Limit and No Way Out, this is a feud you build for Wrestlemania. However, even though I can see why people think this, I would be willing to bet Punk and Bryan will at least battle at Mania 2-3 times in the next few years and it will be great because the guys are two of the best to ever do it.

The World Heavyweight title feud has been pretty terrible however. The World Champ Sheamus was scheduled to take on Alberto Del Rio. The feud was nothing special really. I just don’t feel that these guys hate each other. It just seemed scrapped together like they just decided to put Del Rio with Sheamus just because there’s not another already maineventer heel on Smackdown and they would have to take a chance on someone new. This combined with the fact that Sheamus character has been a little stale lately with his boring irish stories on how he likes to “Fight” have led to this becoming a “filler” feud. However Del Rio suffered a concussion at the last Smackdown taping and will likely not be able to perform on Sunday. Chances are a new opponent for Sheamus will be determined tonight on Raw. I wouldn’t be surprised if they put on a good ol’ battle royal to determine who the new number one contender is. It’s a 3 Hour Raw instead of the usual 2 hours so they’re going to need something to take up time.

Speaking of 3 Hour Raws, the WWE has announced that starting on July 23rd, the 1000th episode of the show, they will be permanently going to three hours. I wish I could say I am happy but I am not. On one hand I am glad the wrestlers have more time to showcase their skills but WWE can barely put on a 2 hour show consistently. Going three hours every week for Raw will be tough. I hope some of the midcarders and wrestler who have been underutilized like Dolph Ziggler, The Prime Time Players, Primo/Epico, Jack Swagger, Damien Sandow, Antonio Cesaro and others get on television more often instead of just filler promos and matches with Brodus Clay, Ryback, Santino and Ryder. Speaking of Ziggler I have no idea what they are doing with him right now. It seemed like he may split from his manager and storyline girlfriend Vickie Guerrero but now he’s just in singles matches losing to Sheamus. I hope he doesn’t continue to be a “jobber for the stars”. I hope he actually becomes a main eventer soon since he is one of the best in ring performers I have ever seen. 

Darren Young and Titus O’Neill also deserve more legit tv time. They are quite hilarious, they get heat from the fans and they seem like a legit tag team. They even had one of the most hilarious moments of the year when they did the “Big Zeke ain’t got no cuts” bit. I miss the tag division when you had guys who were actually friends in real life and not just two guys put together because they don’t have a singles feud. In my opinion the tag division should consist of the Prime Time Players, The Usos, Reks and Hawkins and Primo/Epico. They’re should not be teams like Ryder and Santino and R-Truth and Kofi. Just because Ryder is from Long Island doesn’t mean he should be tagged with Santino who is “from” Italy. Same goes for Kofi and Truth. A black guy from Ghana put together with a black guy from Charlotte doesn't necessarily come off as legit.

I love the WWE but I am not sure about the whole 3 hour Raws every week. Some say it’s just a temporary thing and that when the WWE Network debuts in November they are just going to convert the extra hour into a pre-show on there. I hope it works out well and the inconsistent product goes back to how it was the first 4 months of this year but I’ll keep my expectations low for now.
Other Tidbits….
Heres the hilarious “Big Zeke ain’t got no cuts” promo…

Kevin Nash will be playing a supporting role as one of the male strippers in the upcoming movie Magic Mike…

Kevin Nash in the Back

Nash (Left,Back)

Remember at Edge's WWE Hall of Fame Induction when he thanked a Beth for making his life complete....well apparently Edge is now dating diva Beth Phoenix, they were spotted at game 1 of Stanley Cup Finals in Newark…Edge was romantically linked to Lita a few years back, Lita is supposedly dating CM Punk for the 2nd time...Punk and Beth Phoenix were also dating for a little while but they broke up in this past ironic

If you haven't heard yet, in other wrestling dating news, Darren Young was reportedly dating diva Tamina Snuka, Cody Rhodes is dating former announcer Eden Stiles and Daniel Bryan is dating former diva Brie Bella....I know way to much pointless information.

I will be writing another new blog Thursday about Chris Jericho and Randy Orton Suspensions, Increased Workloads for WWE Wrestlers and the New NXT…

Monday, May 7, 2012

Thank You, John Cena

If someone had told me 5 years ago, I would become a John Cena fan I probably would've told them to fuck off...

If someone had told me 2 years ago, I would buy a John Cena shirt in the future I would've done the same...

Now I can proudly say,  I AM A JOHN CENA FAN.

I used to loathe this man. I was the typical Anti-Cena fan who chanted "You can't wrestle", "Cena sucks" and "same old shit" while he was in the ring. Around late 2010 this changed. During the whole "Cena/Nexus" angle he cut an unbelievable promo on how he was "leaving the business" and my opinion of him started to change. I think a combination of me growing up, mellowing out and learning more about wrestling allowed me to finally respect him.

Instead of putting in effort to hate him, I started to really watch his work and I can say that over the next year and a half I realized the guy is one of the best to ever do it. I thought he did an excellent job feuding with CM Punk, The Miz, Alberto Del Rio and even The Rock. Even though The Rock beat John at Mania, it still was a pretty damn good match and the buildup for the match was amazing and all the credit goes to John Cena. There are not many guys in the business that can take a guy who hasn't been in the business in 8 years and make him look like gold.

 Last Sunday I attended Extreme Rules and I had a great time. Randy Orton and Kane put on a really good falls count anywhere match. Most of the crowd hated it because most of the action didn't take place in the ring but as a lifelong WWE fan, I know how Falls Count Anywhere matches go and I really enjoyed the match even though the feud was lackluster.
Can People Put Their Phones Away?

 I saw Cody Rhodes regain the Intercontinental Championship which was pretty awesome since I love the guy. By the way Cody Rhodes has the best gear and it looks even better in person. I really hope he becomes a main eventer soon.

I Love A Good Looking Guy In Great Trunks..

Like most of the fans in the crowd I could really care less about the Santino-Miz match and the Layla-Nikki Bella matches, although seeing The Miz cut a promo about not being utilized enough was cool. I was really hoping to see Kharma or Beth take the Divas title but unfortunately that didn't happen.

I was so excited when Dolph Ziggler was announced as Brodus Clay's opponent although I knew Ziggler would be getting the loss against The Funkasaurus but I was happy too see my favorite wrestler perform and make a guy like Brodus Clay look amazing. You know a someone is good at what they does when they make Brodus Clay look like a good worker. Ziggler's amazing hair looks even more awesome in person. Seeing Ryback crush two local jobbers was really cool also. The jobbers were great on the mic and the "2 is better then 1" line that they kept saying was epic. It was really pissing off the crowd. I was probably the only person in my section chanting it and rooting for the jobbers since I am a sucker for all jobbers. I am not really sure about Ryback as of right now but being apart of the hilarious "Goldberg" chants was cool. He does have some similarities with Bill Goldberg but I doubt he even comes close to Goldberg's popularity.


Sheamus and Daniel Bryan put on the match of the night. I was thrilled that they were actually given over 20 minutes to showcase their skills. It was a lot better then the 18 seconds they got at Mania. Some idiot behind me pissed me off by saying "This is boring". I responded with a "This is wrestling." It pains me to see people who don't think holds and submission moves are a part of wrestling. All the "Yes" chants were amazing especially after Bryan submitted Sheamus during the 2/3 falls match. Bryan just kept chanting Yes along with the fans even though he is a heel. I LOVE THAT! Even though he lost I still cheered for Sheamus because he is also one of my favorites. I could tell people thought I was a moron when I was rooting for both guys.
 CM Punk and Chris Jericho also put on an excellent match again. They had the match of the night at Mania and they put on a hell of a show at Extreme Rules. This time it was a "Chicago Street Fight". There was a couple of great spots with Jericho taunting Punk's sister in the first row which resulting in her slapping him and Punk's elbow off the top row to Jericho on the Spanish announce table. That poor Spanish announce table. So much abuse it has taken over the years. CM Punk picked up the W in front his hometown and his family. It was a really cool moment to witness.

Side Notes: When the spanish announce team came out before the event, people in the crowd chanted "Si, Si, Si, Si..." It was awesome.

CM Punk's elbow drop off the top rope. Holy Shit! I had a great seat I was about 10 rows behind the guy with the "oh my goodness" sign below...

Speaking of CM Punk's relationships with announce tables, here is a classic moment back when CM Punk did commentary when out with a injury during the whole Cena/Nexus thing. Punk even makes a reference of the glorious spanish announce tables. I wonder if Punk still has a grudge with Cena over the "Spill seen around the world." What a terrible tragedy. Man, I love wrestling.

On to the main event, Cena vs. Lesnar. Amazing match, great storytelling. They really beat the hell out of each other. One of the greatest things I have got the opportunity to see live, in person. Lesnar dominated most of the match but eventually Cena "overcame the odds" and pulled out the victory with an Attitude Adjustment on the staircase. When Cena pinned Lesnar for the 1,2,3 I jumped up and down with joy. It was the most excited I've ever been at a wrestling event. I wasn't the only one. I never seen a crowd so into a match. In the crazy world of wrestling, this match MEANT something. Even the little Filipino lady who sat next to me was almost in tears every time Cena was getting brutalized or bloodied up by Brock. He then cut an emotional promo thanking the crowd and saying he may "take some time off." Cena is really a classy guy and I will cherish this match and the post-match promo for the rest of my life.

Side note : Like the sucker I am, I even bought my first Cena shirt at the merch stand afterwards along with a Dolph Ziggler shirt and the Bret Hart/HBK dvd..

He's proud to say he beat Brock Lesnar in Chicago and I am proud to say................

I saw the Bret Hart/Owen Hart cage match at Summerslam 94
I saw Jeff Jarrett win his first WCW World Heavyweight Title at Spring Stampede 2000
I saw Randy Orton get the WWE title twice in one night at No Mercy 2007

but above them all...I am now proud to say I saw John Cena beat Brock Lesnar at Extreme Rules...

Thank You John Cena...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Extreme Rules Predictions

Extreme Rules Predictions

This is first blog so cut me some slack. I am life long wrestling fan from the dump that is Chicago, I will be the first man to defeat Ryback and get out this podunk city......(If you watch Smackdown you''ll get my gist)

Basically i am just a guy who loves wrestling, more specifically the WWE and I thought it would be cool to share my wrestling views with the world or more likely....the two white trash guys who will end up reading this. By the way I am including myself in that group.

Let me start off by saying I will be in attendance at Extreme Rules. Although the card is a little lackluster overall, I am really looking forward to the event, especially for Brock-Cena, Jericho-Punk and Sheamus-Bryan.

So here goes....

The Miz vs. Santino (US Title)

This match will air before the pay-per-view itself online. This match really doesn't interest me at all and really is nothing but a glorified dark match. What a difference a year makes, this time last year The Miz was defending his WWE Championship in the main event at this pay per view. Now his match isn't even on television. It really is a shame because I really like the guy and think hes great. That being said I see Santino picking up the victory and continuing to be the comedy act that he is and within the next couple months I think he will drop the US Title to David Otunga who has been solid as of late. As for The Miz, I hope he ends up on Smackdown soon with a fresh start.

Winner - Santino

Nikki Bella vs. Beth Phoenix (Divas Title)

Another weird set of circumstances surrounding this match. Nikki Bella won the Divas Title from Beth on Raw this past Monday after Beth was "injured" during the match. This is a really hard match to predict because as any fan who reads the dirtsheets would know, there are strong rumors that the Bellas are leaving the company soon. So I am not sure if this is just a short "Thank You" reign or there is something more to this. This being said I think Beth Phoenix will sell the injury throughout the match but will re-gain the Divas Title. However, I see Kharma attacking Beth after the match and laying her out. I see Beth actually being out a few months. Kharma will then dominate the Divas division throughout the summer and win the Divas Title and at Summerslam it will be Beth vs. Kharma for the Divas title.

Winner - Beth Phoenix

 Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show (Intercontinental Title)

 Let me start off by saying I really, really, really like Cody Rhodes. I think he has it all. Hes got a great look, great gear, great mic skills and hes an outstanding worker. However, this feud with Big Show has gotten really stale. Before Mania the feud was surprisingly good mostly thanks to the work of Cody Rhodes, but now its going way past its expiration date. I wasn't even mad when Show beat over on Rhodes at Mania because I thought that Cody could move on to the main event and Show can get his "Mania moment" and stick around in the midcard but that, of course, didn't happen. They are still feuding and I can see them feuding longer because its looking like Smackdown's two biggest babyfaces already have feuds set for after Extreme Rules with Randy Orton feuding with Jinder Mahal and Sheamus continuing with Daniel Bryan. I am not sure what the plans are in the future for these two men now. No matter the stipulation for the match, Big Show will likely retain the title. Its just really sad that the Championship used to be a stepping stone for the main event players but now its on an old, overweight guy who is way past his prime.

Winner - Big Show


Randy Orton vs. Kane (Falls Count Anywhere)

Feud of the Year.....with the word Worst in front of it. Both these men are great wrestlers and very talented but this feud has been unbearable. It never really got off to solid start. It seems like the foundation for this feud was just slapped together so they could put both of them on the Mania card. For example, Kane mentioning the match he had with Randy Orton last July where he lost his "evilness" was cool but there was only one problem. If the demonic Kane was really upset at Randy Orton for this, why did he go after John Cena when he returned. The only thing that came good out of this feud was Kane winning at Mania which established that Kane can actually win sometimes. I see this being a match that goes through the crowd and maybe backstage but in the end, Kane will pull off the victory after interference from Jinder Mahal which moves Orton on to feuding with Mahal and Kane with a little more credibility for his next opponent.

Winner - Kane

Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan (World Heavyweight Championship) (2/3 Falls Match)

This should be the match of the night. I was appalled at Mania when Bryan got squashed in 18 seconds but I might've been wrong. Daniel Bryan has been great this month especially with his ex-girlfriend AJ. Sheamus has been awesome this month and is really starting to become one of the best workers around. They couldve made their feud more intense but sometimes everything can't be perfect. I see Sheamus getting the first fall off the Brogue Kick right away again, which then leads to Bryan fighting back and scoring a pin of his own. Then I see AJ coming out and helping Bryan win the match somehow. Bryan gets the title back. AJ gets her boyfriend back. I then see maybe the next two months being a three way feud between Daniel Bryan, Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio which possibly could lead to a Del Rio babyface turn in the near future.

Winner - Daniel Bryan

CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho (WWE Championship) (Chicago Street Fight)

These two have been AWESOME! They have been having a great feud. Almost everything has been perfect. Having this match in Chicago will be awesome because the crowd will definitely be on Punk's side. I can see Punk's family who Jericho has been berating lately and possibly CM Punk's best friend Colt Cabana at ringside and getting involved somehow. On a side note CM Punk's DVD that they've been filming needs a happy ending so I see CM Punk getting the win in front of his family, friends and his hometown crowd. By the way I can't wait for that DVD to come out. The Randy Orton one was excellent and I felt I got to know a lot more about him then I knew before I watched it.

Winner - CM Punk

John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar (Extreme Rules Match)

Even though the contract signing on Raw was a little weak these guys have been great since the first Raw of the new wrestling year. Brock's return and confrontations with Cena have been epic. The three minute promo that Brock did was one of the best I have ever seen. Cena has been great showing that he may be devastated after losing to The Rock at Mania and showcasing the uncertainty of how it has affected him. I see Brock Lesnar winning the match against John Cena cleanly leaving more uncertainty revolving around Cena's state of mind and Brock's "Legitimacy" taking over.

Winner - Brock Lesnar

I am not done yet. I wanted to share what I think is going to happen with these two men. I see John Cena becoming a "depressed little loser" and having to start all over again. I see Brock continuing to dominate throughout the summer. I think Brock Lesnar will feud with Orton in a little in a few months and then winning the WWE title from CM Punk in the fall. I see Cena possibly taking another big loss against Lord Tensai again and then teaming up with Zack Ryder and starting a whole "Will Cena get better again?" storyline. They might win the tag titles or something like that and then Cena will get mentally tough and find his "love" for wrestling again and will be the opponent for the WWE Champion Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble, only this time Cena wins.....and goes on to face the winner of the Royal Rumble, The Rock, at Wrestlemania 29. This way Brock can face The Undertaker and lose cause he only has a one year deal as of right now and maybe a return to the UFC will be in the works and the streak will continue and Cena can finally beat The Rock and redeem himself for good.

If you've read this, Thank You...I hope to maybe have blogs up on regular basis in the future.
